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Fresh-ed out.

That took a while. Two years incommunicado. Then today, out of nowhere, that little familiar feeling warmed up. May is usually a beautiful month to write home about and with time ticking away, he has cooped up several experiences that have left permanent marks. 

At this age, everything is changing. Day by day we don't notice much that goes on around us, and looking back over the passing year, he realizes everything has. We often think that we are going to be at a specific place forever, and the people that we thought were going to walk with us in our life's journey aren't there, and those that we never imagined we'd be speaking to are now some of the closest friends. 

He deeply thinks, life makes little sense, and the more we grow the less sense it will make. A little nudge, please make the most of it now, before all changes again. Remember, the future is never promised, and all you've gone through will only be memories. Life is a perplexing dance, it defies logic, for tomorrow, these moments will be nice echoes of the past. Embrace the flux, a steadily ticking clock for in the imminent future, these experiences and people that we meet, will be cherished memories.  
22 and 23, were unbeknownst to the usual. He learned so much in such a short time, and having that in mind, He doesn't trivialize the opportunity to carry the knowledge that no matter what we have gone through in life, we always come out stronger. Finding meaning no matter how difficult it feels at any moment, and no matter how much time it takes to see hope, is profoundly comforting. Eventually; he realized, in one way or another we get there, with love, faith, and a purpose. With a little nudge, he quips, finds meaning in life, and makes the most of it.

But there were times of realization that the way he values people makes him wish that they had someone like them in their life. He often reflects on how deeply he values the people in his life and finds himself longing for someone who could offer them the same appreciation and understanding. He yearns for the same level of care, treatment, and love that he gives to others, wishing for someone who sees and values him as he does. Despite his cheerful demeanor, he carries a weight of sadness within. He experiences a spectrum of emotions, from feeling incredibly confident to grappling with intense insecurities. He loves with great intensity, yet sometimes feels an emptiness inside. He enjoys socializing, but often craves solitude. He is on a journey of healing while still nursing his wounds and seeking balance in life. Often, he finds himself among strangers, drifting in an attempt to escape the painful memories of his past. It’s hard to accept that not everyone can think and feel as deeply as he does. This understanding is both a blessing and a burden, as he grasps the depths of others' emotions, while they may not comprehend his.

He has learned that there comes a point in the healing process where one stops trying to convince others to do what they believe is right. Instead, he has chosen to observe their choices, understand their character, and decide what influences he will allow in his life. Honestly, he wishes that he knew sooner that, a year ago he didn't know today, he didn't know that he would make it here. But, he's here.  He learned that, no matter how hard he finds his days, he needs to hold on for a little longer because it is just a phase. Everything happens for a reason, trust the universe. 

A story is told of a boy and a mole. The mole asks the boy, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The boy responds, "Kind". In satisfaction, the mole mutters, "Mmmh". The boy ponders, "Isn't it odd, that we can only see our outsides, but, nearly everything happens on the inside". 
He has learned from the story of the boy and the mole that the importance of kindness cannot be overstated. When the boy responds to the mole's question about what he wants to be when he grows up with "Kind," it underscores the value of compassion and empathy in a world often preoccupied with success and achievement. This teaches him that aspiring to be kind is a noble and impactful goal. He also reflects on the boy's observation about how we can only see our outsides while nearly everything important happens inside. This highlights the complexity of human nature and reminds him to look beyond outward appearances to appreciate the rich inner lives of others. It fosters greater empathy and understanding, encouraging him to see people for who they truly are inside.

Self-awareness and reflection are other key lessons he takes from the boy's pondering. It encourages him to delve into his inner world—his thoughts, feelings, and desires—acknowledging that these internal experiences shape his identity and interactions with the world.
The mole's simple yet satisfied response, "Mmmh," teaches him to appreciate the wisdom in simplicity. He realizes that sometimes the simplest statements hold the deepest truths, and he learns to find meaning in straightforward, heartfelt expressions.

The profoundness of the interaction between the boy and the mole highlights the beauty of human connection and the sharing of thoughts and feelings. He understands that even seemingly simple conversations can be profound and meaningful, helping him to understand himself and others better.


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