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A synopsis of a dearest Friend's Gift.

A very good friend of mine gifted me a wholesome book a couple of months ago, while I was departing Budapest. The book, has given me an interesting yet fulfilling perspective about life. Thank you my dear friend :) It goes without saying, questions did find a way to squeeze in between the love of literature. The book, "Before the Coffee Gets Cold: Tales from the Café" by Toshikazu Kawaguchi is a sequel to his first novel and continues to delve into the mystical and emotionally charged world of a unique café in Tokyo. This café offers its customers a singular opportunity: the chance to travel back in time. However, the journey is governed by a set of stringent rules: They can only visit people who have been to the café. They cannot change the present, no matter what they do in the past. They must sit in a particular seat. They must return before their coffee gets cold. The sequel introduces a fresh set of characters, each with their own deeply personal reasons for wanting
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Fresh-ed out.

That took a while. Two years incommunicado. Then today, out of nowhere, that little familiar feeling warmed up. May is usually a beautiful month to write home about and with time ticking away, he has cooped up several experiences that have left permanent marks.  At this age, everything is changing. Day by day we don't notice much that goes on around us, and looking back over the passing year, he realizes everything has. We often think that we are going to be at a specific place forever, and the people that we thought were going to walk with us in our life's journey aren't there, and those that we never imagined we'd be speaking to are now some of the closest friends.  He deeply thinks, life makes little sense, and the more we grow the less sense it will make. A little nudge, please make the most of it now, before all changes again. Remember, the future is never promised, and all you've gone through will only be memories. Life is a perplexing dance, it defies logic,


 "Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"  Name of names, our small identity unravels in you. You give it back as a lesson. With zeal, or without. Trudging, finding perspectives, seemingly more lost than ever. To go through a contemplative life is akin to being open enough to see, free enough to hear, and real enough to respond. It is a life, and as it is always interwoven, it has its own rhythms of darkness and light, even when we always see a dying-rising. Simply put, it is a life of grateful receptivity even though minus some, or wordless awe, of silent simplicity. Today, he is here to remember steps; little ones made over an uncertain period in life and world. People, instances, grace, servitude, humility, hope, grace, pain and hopelessness. A basketful for sure. Nothing is for sure. But one thing remains true, a place deep down, open, hoping and always looking. Sufficient grace, willing alms, for nothing is always promised. For this and others are next of kin

Scratch That.

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A bit of here and there; an anthology of random mental tweaks.

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Of restful days, where time wills away like a sundial, Unstoppable, eons of ticks and turns … This a day, like few in the past, Where hand wraps around ink and the mind synchronizes with the present. It has been days of nothingness; Excruciating moments of doubts, unawares, and a constant flow, Growing, learning, and expanding borders. Today, like the few limited occasions where the hand meets ink, where the mind rhymes to the tune of the ages… The pen speaks of new beginnings, new experiences, and new joys. This little jolt comes from an unknown space… One yet to be harnessed, but full of promise. One thing has stood out, man is no island … We feel, we experience, and we express. Limitless borders of expansion. Outstretched, the arm gropes for a light, Amidst the vast expanse of growth… Scary face… Call code that washes my head in forever, I know there is hope, in these waters, Nonetheless, I can hold onto my hopes whilst drowning. The freedom of the skies; that st


We exist in times where affection is left to wait at the last table of a coffee shop or packed up in some dark storage locker where only casual  entanglements are in demand. Where people come and willingly serve themselves with the same cocktail of heartbreaks, disappointments and pain because it’s ‘casual’ and ‘cool’. A trend that sets on a short high and a facade of temporary pleasure. Emotions and feelings are relegated to a corner, unnoticed and laughed at because old school romance is probably not in trend in the shallow-hit-me-quick, that we have shrouded ourselves in.  It’s besetting, isn’t it? That we find it easier to disappear rather than face what fate has placed before us. We casually throw words around such as “break” and “space”  wishfully thinking that everything would just magically work out after some time, and even if it doesn’t, it’s fine because that’s how the world we live in now defines love. Unions are no longer about staying and facing the problems t