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Tis a day for penchant.

We all have seen pieces of us in other people's eyes. Little twinkles of shinny good and random excerpts of telltale ills. Words amount to many weights, but those unsaid carry the most of truths. 
Many say,  "I wish".. at so late an hour when the sardines have turned gray and the sundial pattering its last speck of dust. I am awed by the world, I am enthralled by the beauty of the soul. 

There is ominous waiting in silence, and darkness in all birthing... 
But then, once in a while... 
Just sit there right this minute,
Indulge, don't flex a muscle,
Rest, release, and breath in the goodness of life,
For your little chance to see life as a whole,
After all the hard work,
Let me get you a tray of berries and wine,
You can use my soft words,
As a cushion for your head. 

Live like a river, 
Flow and get carried by surprise,
Of the unfolding tides.
The wellspring of life is bubbling us anew every moment.
And so, when the angel is troubling the waters
It's no time to stand on the banks,
Reciting past wonders. Join in, celebrate and live life by the edge.

#From the memoirs of Pest. 


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