I had taken flight, gone to the winds and yes, tried to remain a little inconspicuous. How long has it been, 4? 5 months? Feels good to settle back, to the cushions, to the limitless coffee and to the random stirrings of the mind. "Treasures are hidden behind pages of manuscripts; a vast collection of whims, lessons, and directions, not withheld, but wholeheartedly given, for your eyes, mind, and soul"

A mixed bag of emotions hastened the experience. As an introvert, I never thought this could be a factor, pretty damning as it sounds.
Relating to the present society, I saw familiar streaks. Each and everyone has been born into a certain environment, and regardless of the prevailing conditions at the time, we grow up adapting to fit in best. We follow beaten paths, learning from experiences of the elderly. Societal norms play an even bigger role in shaping one's character.
But with the advent of time and technology, most of what linked the society to the past is now broken. Like a deep mine, not for the faint-hearted; the rest have moved on to a fresher easier ground. The deep recess of old times, holding wisdom and treasures in its bowels are slowly being thrown to the winds. For the ancient civilizations, that have come and gone; The Khmer Empire, the famous Mayan empire or even the little known Nabatean culture... An intrigue perhaps. It seems as the earth revolves, with it, the seams of civilizations are torn, paving the way for newer generations.
What are we, but to learn, live and let the world be.
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