There are situations in life that pushes us to the limits. At times, the same situations come as good-will.(A story for another day)
We often depend on our strengths, virtuous abilities or even close confidants to face these challenges, albeit with a straight face.
But there are instances, where all these are meaningless. At crossroads for the least, between a hard rock and the devil so they say. Digging deep, we wonder where we might have gone wrong. Glancing right does not help, looking left doesn't either.
Then we remember, there is a friend forgotten in the sands of time, one that we often turn to when no one is available. We hardly look for Him when life is bliss and fortitude bountiful. Thanking Him is the least of our deeds and utterances, and when we do, it's for the food.
Life, he has blessed us with, living each day unbeknown to us, is someone taking their last breath, being ran over by a car or undoubtedly, being struck by lightening.
We gaze not into who hast given us good, but the good itself. We delve unperturbed into the bounties of life, little or no bade of thank you in our words. Silent looks of greed, hardly looking, we curse under our breaths, making not of the silhouette always looking after us, guarding our every steps.
This life, not of our own, we sojourn every single day failing to stop not once or twice, but a millionth of every breath and step that we make, to look high up, raising our hands with praise, prayer and supplication; thanking The Most high Lord and God for the gift of life and blessings. Take some time today, say a little hi to Him, thank Him and remember to spread love.
December is here, 2015 is coming to a close. It's been a tough year. Merry Christmas and happy 2016!
Don't hate me for little of these words that I think of, don't look at the dark, that always shoulders the pain; but the words, for they might teach you something and yes, enjoy the read, share and contribute.
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