Two paths lead to a greater understanding of a broken heart. One is to imagine it broken in tiny little shards, some ground to dust; left to be scattered about by the wind—a feeling most of us behold, and a fate we wouldn't even wish our enemies. Flip the coin, picture a heartbreak that opens it up into a new capacity—a process that cannot escape pain, but one that many a person would welcome. As the world passes by, standing in the tragic gap between possibility and reality, that fistful thing called heart can break open to hold more of what the world readily gives; to hold more of what one goes through; the world's suffering and joy, successes, and losses, despair and hope, Forgiveness. But still, it beats, albeit with occasional flutters, but it keeps going. Every minute of life without forgiveness is existence separated from the sacred and from the most basic of instincts bestowed upon our hearts. Living every moment with forgiveness to ourselves, to others, and even to ...
Liberal expressions of Literature, Poetry and Life.