Live life today, tomorrow is not assured of. A bet, maybe late, perchance hate so to say, When you promise to let, No feelings nor judgement, make your life pain, Give it a try, a swing from mood to smile... Today perhaps, lighten a cloudy theme, Bitter is so awkward, A cruel way to say life is hard, How about you let go and let in joy. Daily stresses of life, Haunting sleepless nights, A turn here, a toss till morning light, Decide today to live on heights, walk your talk and and brush the chalk, Life, they say is a block, Tall, rising and threatening, a weak bloke, will choke and resign, To fate and to the pains. Signing up and out is not far fetched, Today and tomorrow is not promised, To be here to speak of this and anything valid, But a writing will forever remain, Read, learn and always appreciate, For all that comes with it is a blessing. Happy October people! Loughran.
Liberal expressions of Literature, Poetry and Life.