The other night, I was watching Brightest Star by Chris Lowell, and I couldn't help but pick up a lot of lessons about life and love. I mean, I sat there for an hour and twenty minutes taking in the lovely teachings by Chris and Rose McIver; I must say I was more engrossed than enthralled. One that I picked up ten minutes into the movie was this quote,” Just like the stars, the brightest ones are the most fleeting, and collapse into the biggest, deepest black holes”. Well, the first harsh reality that hit me, hard as it was, life is unfair. “ We have fun, we go out, we get drunk and then we are erased. So we start over, like detectives, we inspect this open and close the case, and when we start to fade, the mob that we have made, our hearts would lose the shape, and then we are erased. We are erased… ” Minutes later, I couldn't help but gather that Like a permanent smear; we always know, when we start d...
Liberal expressions of Literature, Poetry and Life.